This is not a photograph. It is a rendering of a 3D scene.
Project Showroom is a technology preview that establishes a vision for a service for home furnishing suppliers to enable their customers to visualize their products in real-life room settings. We envision consumers visiting the site, assembling rooms by selecting combinations of real-world products, and viewing these combinations where the results look like a photograph. This will allow potential buyers to experience their purchases before they are real.
Project Showroom 1.0.15 is now available. This is getting to be quite a habit. This is our fifteenth update of Project Showroom. I updated the servers on Friday. You can check it out at:
This release was a minor update with changes "under the hood." Think of it like a service pack, but you do not need to download and install anything. Oh, the beauty of software as a service.
Function versus Form
We continue to make progress on separating out styling from functionality. This will allow Project Showroom to show up in other forms and have the look and feel of where it's found. For those of you who are web developers: we are using cascading style sheets to define position, color, and text choices. -
Robust Error Detection and Recovery
We applied additional defensive programming techniques to handle the occasional hiccup that can occur in any web-based application. By all means, please let us know at [email protected] if you ever see: -
Updated Manufacturer Links
Our QA team ran an automated test on the site that validated the links to the manufacturer sites. Oh, how those manufacturer sites do change. We corrected a handful of links that resulted in "Page not found" errors.
Developing Project Showroom at a fast and furious pace is alive in the lab.