Project Showroom is a technology preview that establishes a vision for a service for home furnishing suppliers to enable their customers to visualize their products in real-life room settings. We envision consumers visiting the site, assembling rooms by selecting combinations of real-world products, and viewing these combinations where the results look like a photograph. This will allow potential buyers to experience their purchases before they are real.
As part of instilling confidence in a purchasing decision, it is often desirable to get a second opinion from a friend. This is where Facebook comes in. In our last release of Project Showroom, we included our first try at a Facebook application. It is available from the Project Showroom menu bar:
The Facebook application allows a Project Showroom user to share his/her room with his/her friends. As this is our first try at developing a Facebook application, there are few steps to this.
Use the content browser on the right to assemble a room to your liking. You can start by picking the base room and then modify to suite your taste from a variety of objects . You can optionally save the room and give it your own meaningful name.
Click OK to Allow access between Project Showroom and your Facebook account. You only have to do this once. After doing so, you will see a message from Project Showroom that your design has successfully been shared on Facebook.
You should a line reflecting the room you just added. The line will look something like "Scott has posted Builder Homesite, Inc. American Bathroom from Autodesk Labs Project Showroom." You hover over this line and an edit icon appears . You click on this icon and change the entry from a one-liner to a short story . When you make this change, a thumbnail of your room appears which your friends can click on. This takes them to Project Showroom where they see the room as you have designed it.
Your friends see your entry as an item on their News Feed:
They can add comments like "I like what you've done with the place." or "I know Stevie Wonder is a musical genius, but does he have to be your decorator too?"
As Project Showroom is a technology preview, we are looking for feedback on how you would like to share your design ideas with your friends. At first we had email only. Now we have added Facebook. Are there improvements we could make to our Facebook application? What other ways should we add? FAX out? You tell us: [email protected].
Inquiring minds wanting to know your thoughts are alive in the lab.