Perhaps only Beatles fans get the reference in the blog posting title, but it's a song title.
Project Showroom 1.0.9 Now Available
We updated Project Showroom yesterday. Release 1.0.9 includes a few defect corrections plus data for another room - a bathroom. This data comes to us from our partner BHI:
Though this data has fewer fixture choices (both are already in the scene) than the kitchens, you can customize the flooring, counters, cabinets, and walls. This room also allows you to view the 3D data from 3 different camera positions using the PREVIOUS and NEXT camera arrows
located in the bottom center of the viewing canvas.
So check it out and tell us what you think: [email protected]. How real does the bathroom look? Would you mind waiting longer while the server renders the 3D data to achieve a more realistic looking result? Or perhaps you have a different opinion - hey somebody light a match.
Prototyping photorealistic rendering via kitchen, and now also bathroom, design software for users who have just a browser is alive in the lab.