Project Showroom is a technology preview that establishes a vision for a service for home furnishing suppliers to enable their customers to visualize their products in real-life room settings. At this time, the technology preview is under development. You can customize your own kitchen at:
As I have said a few times now, Project Showroom is a technology preview in progress.
- Styling for multiple browsers
- UI development: YouTube video
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
- A work in progress
For releases 1.0.6 and 1.0.7 we have been working on improving the rendering. These images below were scaled down to fit this blog but show the general effect:
We will continue our efforts to bring you the most photorealistic looking pictures in the least amount of time. It's a balancing act. Please let us know how we are doing: [email protected].
Balancing time and photorealism are alive in the lab.