Project Showroom is a technology preview that establishes a vision for a service for home furnishing suppliers to enable their customers to visualize their products in real-life room settings. At this time, the technology preview is under development. You can customize your own kitchen at:
With the release of Project Showroom 1.0.8 you can now email a link to your friends.
This link reflects your appliance, fixture, flooring, counter, cabinet, and wall selections. It also reflects the camera angle that you elected to view the kitchen from. In short, it lets you construct a scene to your liking and share the results with others.
As an experiment, I tried to make a very dark kitchen:
Here's the same kitchen with a much lighter look:
Which one would you like to clean up spilled grape juice in? Playing with the kitchen colors is kind of like the changing of the colors of the fall leaves. Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
Letting others see your choices using photorealistic rendering with just a browser is alive in the lab.