Many of you may recall the American TV commercial with the line "I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV." The actor was making a point that people valued his opinion even though he wasn't really in the medical profession. Well I'm not a spokesman nor do I play one on TV. I am a software development manager. I make schedules, solve problems, and give out raises. At least that's what I put on the form for "Take Your Daughter To Work Day" many years ago.
It is true I have a blog, but I am not a marketing person. It is true I post YouTube videos, but I am not a video editing expert. SnagIt is my level of sophistication. I also use Camtasia Studio to film my screen while I talk. I generally do these in one take and post them. The whole thing takes 15 minutes. I need to spend my time making schedules, solving problems, and on occasions, giving out raises.
So with this long preamble I wish to remark that John Schmier is a software developer. He's not a doctor nor does he play one on TV either. John's focus has been on developing aspects of Project Showroom. John happens to have an iPhone, so he made this video. I am posting it to YouTube in its raw form so you can see how Project Showroom works on the device:
This is purely for your information. I recognize that there are more polished forms of entertainment available on the web. More specifically Autodesk has many gifted people who are experienced in the ways of presenting information effectively. John and I just happen to work on other things.
Showing how photorealistic rendering using servers in the cloud can extend to non-traditional computing devices is alive in the lab.