When I started working for Ithaca Software in Alameda in 1990, my first job was 2D driver development for HOOPS using the MetaWare compiler with the Pharlap DOS Extender; however, I also did technical support. All of the software developers at Ithaca Software did. This did two things:
- It put us in direct contact with customers.
- It helped some of us non-Cornellians learn 3D graphics.
As part of my technical support duties, I would routinely get phone calls from Larry Felser at Panametrics. His problems would be so difficult to solve sometimes that I affectionately referred to his company as Pain-a-metrics. Though he has since moved on to another company, with a stay at Autodesk in between, I remain in contact with Larry to this day. Yesterday Larry sent me this link:
I found these games to be fun.