Project Showroom is a technology preview that establishes a vision for a service for home furnishing suppliers to enable their customers to visualize their products in real-life room settings. As we work with users and manufacturing partners on photorealistic rendering, we are finding that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are a variety of material and lighting parameters that impact how objects in a room look. Recall that traditional software rendering looks something like:
What we are working to bring you with Project Showroom are images like:
Project Showroom
Please note that I have scaled these images down to fit in my blog template.
You can look for improvements in the rendering quality in upcoming releases. When we make these updates I will invite you to experiment with the site yourself and express your option on the "beauty" on what you see: [email protected].
Working behind the scenes to bring 3D models to life in a realistic way is alive in the lab.