To know whose designs are whose, Project Freewheel requires that you login to the Autodesk Labs community. This allows you to work with previously uploaded designs. You can even delete them when you no longer need them. In addition, users must also login when participating in a collaboration session so the callouts, freehand sketches, and highlights that they make are associated with their participation in the sessions you invite them to.
Project Draw works in a similar fashion. When you save diagrams or upload images or DWF files to the Project Draw server, Project Draw requires that you login with your Autodesk Labs login so it can keep track of your files.
Autodesk is working to consolidate multiple user accounts, simplify the sign in process, and provide a single User ID and Password for accessing several Autodesk web sites. Access to register or edit your existing account information will be restricted during the September 18-21 launch window. Additionally, the sites affected will be unavailable Monday, September 22:
- Autodesk Subscription
- Product Activation
- Autodesk Discussion Groups
- Autodesk University
- Autodesk Labs
- Alias Design Community
- Civil Engineering Community
- Impression Community
- Manufacturing Community
Some questions we anticipate:
Does this Autodesk sign in apply to all Autodesk web sites?
Not yet. Autodesk Beta Programs, Student Engineering & Design Community, AREA, and DWF Community do not currently use this Autodesk sign in. More sites will be added in the future.
Why did my existing User ID or Password information change?
Every effort was made to preserve your existing User ID and Password information. However, multiple sets of existing data were combined for this effort. Your information may have changed if you had multiple accounts, shared the same information as another user in separate legacy system, or your existing User ID and Password did not meet minimum standards.
I can’t remember if I have an account. How can I confirm?
If you were a registered user of any of the applicable web sites before this effort was launched, you should have received an email containing details about your User ID and a temporary Password. You will be asked to create a new permanent password. You can also use the Forgot User ID and/or Forgot Password processes to receive account information via email.
Can I change my account information, including my User ID, Password, and email address?
Yes. Every site includes a link to edit account information. Changes apply across all applicable sites. You won’t see the changes, until the next time you sign in.
What if I cannot remember my User ID and/or Password?
Follow the Forgot User ID and/or Forgot Password process to retrieve account access information. After providing the requested information, you will receive an email with your User ID and/or temporary Password information.
Do the web sites have additional preferences?
Yes. Many of the individual web sites include additional site settings to configure preferences for features and functionality. These are separate from your Autodesk sign in account. In some cases you will be required to add or choose additional settings to utilize the site, in other cases; it will suggest you complete the additional information.
Once I register and create an Autodesk sign in account, do I need to re-register for each web site?
No, your single account will allow you to sign in to access all applicable web sites.
Once I sign in, is my logged in state preserved across multiple web sites?
Yes. Your logged in state is maintained as you navigate between applicable web sites. However, a logged in session can time out after periods of inactivity.
We are all looking forward to having just one user name and password. Please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected] if you have questions about how consolidated login affects your existing Autodesk Labs data.
Getting closer to an easier user management experience is alive in the lab.