Technical Evangelist, Brian Pene, and Software Engineer, Eddy Kuo, have been at it again. They have been working with an invention from our own Revit Product Design group most notably Matt Jezyk and Lira Nikolovska. The video below demonstrates a new prototype by Autodesk for a "Tangible View Cube." The cube is a small wireless device with built-in accelerometers and magnetometers to allow absolute coordinates of the cube to be passed to an application. Brian and Eddy connected Matt and Lira's tangible cube to Autodesk Design Review to correlate and control 3D navigation, similar to how the View Cube works in the software. The green button enables and disables the navigation capability. Check out this silent movie. For the YouTube version, I used YouTube's AudioSwap capability to include some public domain music as the soundtrack:
non-YouTube: tangible_view_cube_take2.wmv
Think of it as a version of View Cube that you can touch. Actually we're not quite sure where we're going with this. Feedback from users like you will determine its future. So how might you use one of these? Please let us know at [email protected].
Exploring the possibilities of new ways to interact with design data is alive in the lab.