On Friday when you weren't looking, we made a small update to Project Freewheel (release 1.0.5). I know it's only been two weeks since the last update (release 1.0.4) that was chock full of features, but this update primarily included infrastructure improvements that position Project Freewheel for some Autodesk Labs changes down the road. The changes available to you right now include:
You can now see session chats from the beginning, this week, or today. Here is an example from one of our testing sessions:
We also did some compatibility testing with Internet Explorer 8 beta.
There are some issues we will keep our eye on as Internet Explorer will continue to change right up until the time it is actually released.Thanks to your suggestions, the markup groups inside sessions are now sorted.
Here's a note for all you techies out there: Project Freewheel now handles DWF files names that contain special characters. Project Freewheel encodes the special characters so they can be used in URLs properly.
We corrected a defect where the center of some 2D DWF files could be off when navigating to the design via an email message that was sent using the File->Send capability in Project Freewheel.
We also corrected an issue where markups sometimes did not show up in certain cases when moving the mouse.
You should not see any side-effects from this update. By all means lets us know if you do at [email protected].
Project Freewheel keeps rolling along. The ability to collaborate around design data using just a browser continues to be alive in the lab.