From their web site: Shipman King Proprietary Limited is "an Australian designer, manufacturer and distributor of equipment for below ground and above ground storage systems used in the petroleum and chemical industries."
Manufacturing Systems Division Product Marketing Manager, Tyler Barnes, provided me with a question / answer document from Shipman King Pty Ltd. He asked that I add it to the Autodesk Labs site:
Now that I think of it, many of you may not have noticed the links available in the third column of the Autodesk Inventor LT Technology Preview 2009 page:
These include:
- E-Learning provides a set of online tutorials that allow you to become familiar with the Autodesk Inventor LT Technology Preview.
- Shipman King - Q&A from a successful Autodesk Inventor LT Technology Preview 2009 customer.
- Cobalt - Q&A from another successful Autodesk Inventor LT Technology Preview 2009 customer.
- Documentation - Features & Specifications; Additional Tips, Tutorials, and Skill Builders; System Requirements; and steps for Uninstalling the original version of the Inventor LT Technology Preview.
- Discussion - Autodesk Inventor Discussiuon Forum. Post comments about Autodesk Inventor LT Technology Preview 2009 and get responses from peers as well as Autodesk employees.
- Message: free again! - This was our first announcement that the 2009 version would pick up where the original Autodesk Inventor LT Technology Preview left off.
Providing technologies and information about the success of those technologies is alive in the lab.