Software Architect, Thomas Inzinga, provided me with an updated Google Earth extension. I have added it to the Autodesk Labs web site. You can read about and download the new version at:
This new version is compatible with AutoCAD 2009 and the AutoCAD-based 2009 verticals (AutoCAD Architecture 2009, and AutoCAD Map 3D 2009). Note that Autodesk includes the utility directly with an install of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009. I mention Civil 3D here, so you know it is compatible, but Civil 3D users do not need to download the utility from the Autodesk Labs site. we are happy to see the Google Earth Extension used for showing buildings, maps, and roads in the context of their real-life surroundings.
The new version includes support for the new AutoCAD 2009 Geographic Location object as well as several defect corrections. The download is available as a ZIP file that contains separate folders for 2007, 2008, and 2009-based products. You pick the installer in the folder that matches your AutoCAD or AutoCAD-based product.
So place your CAD models in Google Earth and show us the results. We'd love to hear from you and see your work: [email protected]. Extending technologies to provide additional capabilities to the geospatial industry is alive in the lab.