The other day we got an unsolicited email:
From: joe
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 1:20 PM
To: labs.inventorlt
Subject: Inventor LT E-Learning... educational is GREAT...
Hi Inventor LT TEAM:
I have just finished the E-Learning tutorial (LABS) and THIS is the VERY BEST… NICELY Illustrated… for LT… This is the BEST educational material that Autodesk has ever OFFERED… except AU… ATP… CAD Camp… This Methodology is very close to my class lessons and should be included with every AutoCAD Product… IT'S GREAT… T-H-A-N-K-S for your assistance...
Senior AutoCAD / Inventor LT Designer...
So check out the eLearning exercises for the Autodesk Inventor LT Technology Preview:
You'll be glad you did. You will need to use your Autodesk Labs community login. Keep that feedback coming in.