Technical Evangelist, Brian Pene, just started looking into the new_release of CrossOver 6.2 for the Mac which features updates both to increase compatibility and to make Windows applications run faster than ever. CrossOver 6.2 caught his eye when he watched a demo video. There's a CodeWeaver YouTube video that shows CrossOver in a positive light (running Team fortress 2 DX game):
What is special about Crossover is you don't need to install Windows OS to run your applications. Instead of relying on the user installing Windows, Crossover uses a concept of "bottles" which are essentially wrappers containing a complete C: drive and all its standard sub directories: Windows, Program Files, etc., complete Windows registry, a full set of most CrossOver settings, and one or more Windows applications. This makes things easy!
CodeWeavers does not currently claim formal support for any Autodesk applications, but after a quick install of Autodesk Design Review and Mudbox, Brian was impressed! All was not tea and crumpets though as he did encounter some JavaScript errors. Does it work for you? If you have experience running Autodesk applications using CrossOver 6.2, please let us know what you think: [email protected].
Investigating alternative platforms for working with design applications is alive in the lab.