I have been blogging since February 14, 2006. I started with Beyond the Paper and moved to It's Alive in the Lab when I switched departments to manage the Autodesk Labs development team. I have posted at least one blog article every business day ever since. On some days there has been more than one posting. Normally I try not to post too many items on a single day, because I know your time for blog reading is limited. If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound? Occasionally I will post something on a weekend - typically items on less serious topics.
At this point with the consecutive posting streak being unbroken, I want to keep it going. On the other hand, I don't want to post something, just to post something. So for next year I am asking, what would you like to read about? Please let me know what your thoughts: [email protected]. I am always looking for new and interesting topics. To date I have tried to share information about our technologies and tools from an "inside the company" perspective. Our goal is to collect feedback at Autodesk Labs. So any topics that initiate customer input to guide our development efforts are welcome. Turning the feedback process on the feedback process itself is alive in the lab.