I recently added Talkr for people who want to hear this blog. That reminded me that there is more than one way to read this blog.
You can use your web Browser to visit http://labs.blogs.com. Using this method, you come to the information. You can view the last 10 articles on the home page, use the categories to see all articles on a particular topic, or the archives to see articles for a specific month.
You can use an RSS Reader to accept one of the available RSS feeds:
- RSS 2.0: http://labs.blogs.com/Its_alive_in_the_lab/rss.xml
- RSS 1.0: http://labs.blogs.com/its_alive_in_the_lab/index.rdf
- ATOM: http://labs.blogs.com/its_alive_in_the_lab/atom.xml
Using this method, the information comes to you. New articles appear in your RSS Reader as they are posted to the blog.
You can use your web Browser to visit http://labs.autodesk.com. As with visiting the http://labs.blogs.com site, using this method, you come to the information. There is a link to blog content on the Autodesk Labs home page - right below my picture. (No the picture was not my idea.) The Autodesk Labs site gets the blog information by incorporating the RSS 2.0 feed from the http://labs.blogs.com site. Articles from the blog site appear on the Autodesk Labs site within a few minutes of being posted to the blog site.
You can use an RSS Reader to accept one of the Autodesk Labs RSS feed: http://labs.autodesk.com/rss/??__ajax=RSS&type=rss2. As with all RSS processes, using this method, the information comes to you. Your RSS reader shows you updates to the Autodesk Labs site, such as the release of a technology or utility, as well as any postings to the blog.
Since there are two sites associated with It's Alive in the Lab, the comments you make on the blog articles appear where you make them. If you browse to http://labs.autodesk.com and post a comment there, your comment appears on that site. If you read the articles as part of being incorporated into the Autodesk Labs site and make a comment there, your comment appears as part of the Labs site. Your comments are not transferred between sites via the RSS feeds. Only the articles themselves use RSS. Sharing information about Autodesk technologies and utilities is alive in the lab.