We recently upgraded Project Freewheel to build 32 of our 1.0.1 release. This build added some new functionality in the way of: support for DWFx files, a correction for cache file handling, more robust event handling, better error messages, and a new Impression technology icon. While we at Autodesk Labs and customers alike welcomed these changes, heavy load testing from some of our most loyal users has uncovered a problem introduced in this build. So we have reverted Project Freewheel back to build 31 for the moment. This restores the availability of the Impression rendering technology that we temporarily disabled days after the release of build 32.
Feedback is what Autodesk Labs is all about. We are thankful to our regular users who helped identify this issue. Prototyping and customer input help iron out these types of issues early in the development cycle. We will post a Project Freewheel update after a solution has been developed and suitably tested. Thank you for your continued interest in Project Freewheel.
The production version of the service, Autodesk Freewheel, is unaffected by these changes.
The latest issue of Wired Magazine has an article entitled "Mind the Gaps." The article laments that scientists rarely publish results of their failed experiments. Illuminating this dark data could shed light on the most pressing mysteries of our time. The scientific dead ends could be more significant than the intended discoveries. We at Autodesk Labs have certainly learned a great deal from build 32. Experimentation and discovery are alive in the lab.