My previous blog posting:
proved to be very popular. In the tradition of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, all good movies deserve a sequel. Our multi-touch wall movie is no exception. We have a sequel.
This work depicted in the follow-up video was based on research at the Institute of Design to explore new ways to visualize and interact with complex information including 3D visualizations, mapping data, schedule charts, and graphs with quantitative data. All of these are linked together with the dimension of time. This particular scenario involves a construction project manager who is tracking a major building project daily to follow work progress and to forecast future conditions for project planning.
The construction visualization dashboard is organized into different panes that look into various views of data and takes advantage of the large display, multi-touch capabilities of Jeff Han’s Perceptive Pixel multi-touch system to make it easy for the project manager to view and interact with lots of visual information. The project manager can view construction from start to finish with a coordinated view of the 3D building information model, site maps, and financial data. Animated views of the data show progress over time. He can see the progress of the building volume as he tracks the Gantt chart flow, watches projected weather forecasts for the area, and simulates construction processes to forecast resource requirements.
While the video shows an actual multi-touch wall, this video is a conceptual design prototype and NOT a working prototype implementation. Its purpose is to explore how multi-touch interfaces could be used in a design context. So while the screen is real, the video is showing a vision rather than an actual multi-touch implementation.
Enjoy the show. Sharing our vision of how things could be is alive in the lab.