The translator add-ins for Autodesk Inventor 2008 SP1 and the Autodesk Inventor LT Technology Preview are available in the following languages:
- English
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Russian
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
Feedback from our users in Germany indicated that we had a corrupted zip file for the German language installer. An uncorrupted file has been posted in its place. Thanks for the feedback.
AltaVista translates my English to German as:
Rückgespräch von unseren Benutzern in Deutschland zeigte an, daß wir eine verdorbene Zip Datei für den deutschen Spracheninstallateur hatten. Uncorrupted Akte ist bekanntgegeben worden in seinem Platz. Dank für das Rückgespräch.
When AltaVista translates that German back to English:
Rueckgespraech of our users in Germany indicated that we had a spoiled Zip file for the German Spracheninstallateur. Uncorrupted document was communicated in its place. Owing to for the rueckgespraech.
I think the essence of the message has been conveyed. I am sorry for the inconvenience for those who downloaded the corrupted zip file.