Many of you use Project Freewheel with Microsoft Internet Explorer:
Some of you use Project Freewheel with Mozilla Firefox:
Apple recently announced that the Safari Web browser will be available for Windows XP and Windows Vista. As part of our partnership with Apple, we are working with Safari at Autodesk Labs. For example, we are testing that Project Freewheel can be used with the Windows Beta of Safari:
If you would like to see Safari for yourself, you can download a beta of Safari for Microsoft Windows at:
Our testing shows that Project Freewheel needs a little work before it operates flawlessly with Safari. Look for an announcement on this blog when Safari is officially supported. Before you ask, I am not sure when that will be. :-)
In addition to working with browsers on computers, Autodesk Labs is also working with mobile devices. The screen real estate on a mobile device is limited due to its size. For such devices, you will want to try the mobile page of Project Freewheel:
The mobile page has a simplified interface to accommodate smaller screen sizes. At this time, due to browser limitations, the mobile page of the Project Freewheel technology preview is limited to 2D. The mobile page controls look like:
The Apple iPhone will allow you to browse the web. This will be made possible via the Safari browser that resides on the iPhone. The version of Safari that will be available on the iPhone when it ships on June 29 is the same as the one for Macs. Apple's goal is to provide a true web experience on your cell phone. This means 3D!
iPhone Image source:
We are anxious to get our hands on an iPhone and check it out. Until then, we are investigating Safari on Windows via the beta. Keeping abreast of the latest browser technologies is alive in the lab.