Prasann Agrawal is one of summer interns at Autodesk Labs. Prasann is pursuing a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the State University of New York in Buffalo, New York. Before coming to Labs, he designed and deployed a web service -- a distributed system involving data acquisition and processing. Prasann implemented this academic project using JSP, JAX-RPC, RMI technology, and Oracle using a Tomcat server. This makes Prasann an excellent summer intern candidate who will be working on parts of Project Freewheel. Prasann has “homework over the summer” in that he has to write up and present “how I spent my summer internship” to his instructors upon his return.
Earlier in the week, Prasann, along with some other Interns, participated in a small Community Service project at Meals of Marin. Meals of Marin is a nonprofit agency providing organic, home-cooked meals to people with AIDS, cancer, or other terminal illnesses. Here's Prasann peeling some green beans:
Autodesk Labs, and Autodesk in general, are thrilled to have talented interns whose hearts are in the right place. The spirit of community is alive in the lab.